Set Your Table With Love


Hello Sweet Souls,  

November is here, the clocks are set back and darkness appears sooner than we feel ready. I'm excited for the cold, dark, wet winter days. I used to dread leaving behind the long summer days, saddened by the fallen leaves, and disappearance of the vibrant summer blossoms. I used to feel heavy and depressed by the dark, damp cold days. But now I'm seasoned for change and so I experience joy as I move through the cool brisk air and feel invigorated as I walk my dog in the starry clear night. In the day I feel inspired walking through the bright colored autumn leaves and like a child I enjoy hearing the crunch beneath my feet.

To me, November always feels like a time to hibernate. I think darkness has a kind of sedative effect. Rather than trying to fight it I just allow the transition to happen and adjust my attitude and activities accordingly. I let darkness retire me early. I settled myself in for a cup of tea, a book and a candle lit room. It's a time to bask in the stillness of winter. I love pulling out my warm fuzzy hats, slipper socks and scarfs. I find that when I tune myself with the season I can support myself more easily. Especially with the winter holidays stacked one on top of another. It's a time of year when it is essential to care and honor your body, mind and heart, but is not always an easy task.   

For this reason, I want to adorn you this holiday season with ways to create more grace, beauty and peace. We all know the adage you can’t create something new by doing the same thing. As Einstein said, "We can't solve our problem by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created the problem"  For many people, including myself, the holiday season brings a certain amount of emotional stress that is related to some of our past experiences. You might not even realize that your fatigue, grumpiness or low moods are related to your feelings about winter, holidays, and family. 
Rather than try to change an experience or regurgitate the same experience look to enhance your winter holiday season by doing things that elevate positivity. Sometimes if we try to void or change our situation we invite a certain amount of resistance because we are focused on what we do not want, instead of what we want. However, if you change your mindset and release the past you will begin to create new experiences and opportunities for growth and healing.  

Enhance your holiday experience by trying a few of the practices detailed below. I have included inspirational words for November and tips to experience your holiday with more grace and peace. Don't forget to check out gift giving opportunities, specials and services to give you additional support. 

Words to inspire Love for November: 

Contemplate. Tenacious. Solve. 

Profound. Depth. Healing. 

Presence. Inner light. Ingenuity.   

Satisfied. Determined. Grounded. 

Spirited. Inward bound. Empowered.

Silence.Thanks. Blessing

Change. Soulful. Individuality

Goal. Expand. Forge. 


Experience the holiday season with grace by clearing your emotional, mental and physical space. Raise your emotional state to love and give generously through your heart. Love is the elixir to elevate higher states of awareness and  the way we can enhance our life and the lives of others.  

Practices and tips to enhance holiday and winter season 

Create Space 
Clear out an area of your life that feels cluttered— Bedside drawer, kitchen cabinet, closet shelf or dresser drawer, a pile of paperwork or a stack of junk mail and bills, your car trunk or your glove compartment. This may seem like an odd thing to do to enhance your holiday experience, but as you clear your physical environment you become more present to yourself. It will inspire creativity, new ideas and can even solve a problem. You don’t need to spend hours on it. Just pick a small area to clear out. However, if you are like me you may be motivated to clean out a whole closet. As we clear out our physical space we open up our mind and hearts. The process of clearing your physical space ultimately cleanses your mind and emotions  opening the pathway for more clarity as to what is meaningful in your life. 

Make Love Notes 

Think of friends, family and loved ones that have brought joy, growth, and support in your life. Give them a call, text or hand write note or card and tell them how important they are to you. Let them know how much you love and appreciate who they are. You will immediately feel a rise in your emotional state. We create the best circumstances in our life when we live in joy, peace, and happiness. Be witness to a cascade of good things that begin to manifest into your life. I just did this the other day and the smile on my face felt like it lifted me off the ground. 

Give Gifts 

Giving gifts of any kind is an act of love and generosity that brings joy to you and the receiver. Gifts confirm or establish our connection with others, which means that they're a reflection of both the giver and the receiver, as well as their unique relationship. Giving a gift to someone we care about allows us to communicate our feelings and appreciation for them. There are many ways to gift someone other than materially. You can give your time, attention, support or a service you provide. The act of giving is a like taking natural happy pill. The only side effect is great joy, love and abundance.  

Let Go 

Make more space within you by forgiving. To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover the prisoner was you.You may be thinking forgiveness seems like an odd practice for this occasion, but it is truly freeing and heart opening to let a personal grievance go. Forgiveness requires a willingness to hold an open mind to new possibilities of viewing the situation, which may take time, patience and courage. I encourage you to pick something that has a charge for you, but save the more complicated and extremely painful experiences to do with a coach, forgiveness practitioner or therapist. If you feel inspired to go deeper you can schedule a Sacred Soul Discovery Session.

Step 1 Tell your Story

 Write out what happened and why you are upset. Let your true feelings be felt. 

Step 2  Feel your Feelings 

How did the person or situation make you feel? In order to be able to release and forgive someone, you first need to get inside and really feel every single emotion that wells inside of you when you recall the situation. You cannot heal what you do not feel. When you access your pain, this is the beginning of their healing. 


Step 3 Collapse the story 

There are so many angles from which to view a situation, and we have chosen only one; constructing our own story about how the other person wounded us and why. But what if there is the possibility that this is only our perspective, and there are actually other possible ways to view the situation? if you just note the facts of what happen, what ways to you add to the interpretation by your perceptions and judgments of the other person or situation? 

Step 4 Reframe your story 

When we consider that life is not happening to you, but for you, we are empowered to see our situation as something that has helped us heal and grow. We move out of the victim consciousness to realize that our life is bringing us wisdom and growth. Ask yourself, What am I learning here. Trust that every situation is there to strengthen you and not weaken you. Even if you are not sure, give your gratitude and trust the process. 

This is a abbreviated version of the whole  forgiveness process, but it will help you to begin to release negative energy that will allow for more space in your heart to bring the life giving experiences you want to have this holiday season. 

Holiday Heart Storm Session
This session is created to go deeper in your desire to bring more grace to your Winter Holiday Season. I will take you deeper into creating change through discovery and practice of a sacred soul tools. We will address what is keeping you from your discerning power. We will align your energy systems Body, Mind and Soul and open the pathway of the heart. You will learn a daily practice to receive inner guidance and wisdom. You will learn how to cultivate your inner trust and follow your hearts path to fulfillment and greater joy.

Sacred Soul Circle
Gather the light within to enhance healing, growth and opportunity. When you step beyond yourself to connect with others you are able to fuel your own dreams and visions with more power, grace and expediency. We will commune through prayer, meditation and heart to heart communication. What heals in you, heals in others.

Gift Certificates 
Purchase a Bodywork Treatment Gift Certificate for a friend, family member, or co-worker. You will receive $15 off for each gift certificate purchase. Gift Certificates can be sent directly to you or the person you are purchasing for. You can also request a digital Gift Certificate through email. Stay connected by subscribing to my Living Inspiration monthly newsletter to receive big savings on holiday gift certificate specials. Holiday Heart Storm Session

Mediumship Reading 
Sacred Holistic based mediumship is healing work that helps people to understand that life is eternal, that we are spiritual beings living a human experience. Through communication with loved ones I provide evidence that loved ones still exist. I will be providing complimentary 30-minute readings for the purpose of training. Donations will be accepted.


Sacred Soul Gift Certificates 

Bodywork Treatment Gift Certificate
Gift a friend, family member, or co-worker. You will receive $20 off for each gift certificate purchase. Gift Certificates can be sent directly to you or the person you are purchasing for. You can also request a digital Gift Certificate through email. 

Holiday Heart Storm Session
This session is created to go deeper in your desire to bring more grace to your Winter Holiday Season. I will take you deeper into the creating change through discovery and practice of a sacred soul tool. We will address what is keeping you from your discerning power. We will align your energy systems Body, Mind and Soul and open the pathway of the heart. You will learn a daily practice to receive inner guidance and wisdom. You will begin to learn how to cultivate your inner trust to follow your hearts path to fulfillment and greater joy. Buy a session and receive $30 off. 

Sacred Soul Discovery Session 

In a Sacred Soul Discovery™ session you will discover how to pivot from a Disempowered to an Empowered state of being and begin to see your life circumstances from a new perspective. You will get an in-depth understanding of how Sacred Soul Coaching works and how it can improve the quality of your life experience. The intention of a sacred soul session is to inspire hope and possibility for how you can create more joy, peace, and abundance in your life. Buy a session and receive $50 off.  


Sacred Soul Winter Offerings

Holiday Heart Storm Session
This session is created to go deeper in your desire to bring more grace to your Winter Holiday Season. I will take you deeper into creating change through discovery and practice of a sacred soul tools. We will address what is keeping you from your discerning power. We will align your energy systems Body, Mind and Soul and open the pathway of the heart. You will learn a daily practice to receive inner guidance and wisdom. You will learn how to cultivate your inner trust and follow your hearts path to fulfillment and greater joy.

Sacred Soul Circle
Gather the light within to enhance healing, growth and opportunity. When you step beyond yourself to connect with others you are able to fuel your own dreams and visions with more power, grace and expediency. We will commune through prayer, meditation and heart to heart communication. What heals in you, heals in others.

Gift Certificates 
Purchase a Bodywork Treatment Gift Certificate for a friend, family member, or co-worker. You will receive $15 off for each gift certificate purchase. Gift Certificates can be sent directly to you or the person you are purchasing for. You can also request a digital Gift Certificate through email. Stay connected by subscribing to my Living Inspiration monthly newsletter to receive big savings on holiday gift certificate specials. Holiday Heart Storm Session

Mediumship Reading 
Sacred Holistic based mediumship is healing work that helps people to understand that life is eternal, that we are spiritual beings living a human experience. Through communication with loved ones I provide evidence that loved ones still exist. I will be providing complimentary 30-minute readings for the purpose of training. Donations will be accepted.

Visit Livinginspration 


Faith Williams