Celebrate Your ground Hogs Day
Personal growth is cultivated through making mistakes, getting it wrong, having a bad day. So fall down, get up and do it again. When you don’t give up who you become is an even better human being. And isn’t that what you want, a world full of more generous, kind, loving, and compassionate people. So don’t beat yourself up for getting it wrong.
Instead ask yourself how can I do it better or how can I do it differently? How can I do it more lovingly? How can I do it more peacefully? How can I do it more gracefully? Your curious questions empower you. Your self condemnation impedes you. Like Bill Murray’s character in the comedy, Ground Hogs Day, he repeats the same day over and over to his desperation and ultimate despair. He is finally able change his own demise, not by getting what he wants through control and manipulation, but by becoming a better person. In his transformation he is able to move time forward. Let the challenges in your life be there to make you a better person. There will always be light at the end of the tunnel.
Your soul-to-soul communication, writing under the influence of god light. Much love, Faith