Don’t crush our words with your logic, judgment, and uncertainty. Let them breathe life before you decide to toss them aside. Creativity requires an unbridled mind. Creativity has no agenda, but to enliven you with possibility. It breathes joy into your life and inspires others who participate in the creative exchange.
Artistry is the nature of your soul in whatever form it decides to express. It does not matter the creative endeavor you choose, only that it lights you up and moves you. Creativity is the spark that sets fire to the mundane and awakens the part of you that has fallen asleep.
Creativity begins in the imagination. All things are born first as a feeling and then translated into an image, idea, word, or thought before it is conceived into the material world. All geniuses of creation must be felt in its energy form. It is felt through the pulsating, passionate, wild and unstoppable energy that makes you rise to your feet and brings joy to your heart.
Creativity is a healing balm to some of your less desirable human conditions such fear, worry, uncertainty, and doubt. It brings answers, solutions, new perspectives and possibilities. It heals, inspires, forgives, expands, restores, reinvents and reclaims your life. If you want to make a difference in the world turn off politics and social media and turn on your creative channel.
You may not know how to be creative. You may have forgotten how to be creative. Start by doing something that brings you joy and let in unfold one step at a time. Maybe it’s dancing, listening to music, painting, gardening, writing, singing, inventing, designing, reorganizing, rearranging, or building. Maybe you can try something new. It does not much matter only that you feel a sense of awe, wonder and childlike curiosity. Maybe it’s drawing images into the sand with your finger or making sculptures out of rocks as you sit on the beach.
Set a weekly date to play in your imagination and witness how it vicariously weaves it’s magic and mystery into your life.
Your Soul to Soul Communication– writing under the influence of god light.
Much love, Faith