
Humor is the antidote to the seriousness of our human nature. It's the built in anti-aging serum that keeps you vibrant and energized. If you want to feel and look younger, laugh more. 

Why do we laugh? What makes us laugh? Do you remember the last time you laughed? Go ahead, stop for a moment think of something that you found humorous or made you laugh out loud. When you think of it, feel your smile take over your whole body. Feel how your emotionally, mentally, and physically lifted with positive energy.

It's hard to feel burdened or down trodden with joy bubbling through you. Humor is fuel for the human tank. It creates a cocktail of delight that cannot be replicated. It lifts your spirits, elevates your mood, invigorates your creativity, and accelerates your productivity. 

Humor gives you a break from the mental heavy lifting. It lightens your heart and dissolves your problems, aches and pains. Laughter is your soul medicine that brings light to the dark. Find ways to bring humor into your day, even just a smile can go a long way. 

Soul to Soul Communication– writing under the influence of god light.
Much love, Faith 

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