
Personal Freedom requires a disciplined mind.  

When you look out into the ocean and observe those on the sea that have set sail, you can feel a great sense of peace as you look out from the shore of where you stand. The ocean is vast and almost seems still, but it takes great deftness to be out on the ocean in a boat, as it is powerful and yet can be quiet treacherous. It requires extraordinary skill to make the journey safe. It requires a respect of the sea, dedication and discipline to the craft of sailing. 

When you think about freedom, think about it in terms of focus, attention, and dedication to creating a disciplined mind. It does not matter the vastness of your resources and it doesn't matter your social status, education or income. What matters is the how well you manage your mind. We can see in our society some who have great wealth, status and advantages over others and yet they are still held hostage by their ego. That is because they have not attended to their most important asset, their mind. 

The mind can be full of love or full of fear. Just like attending to the maintenance of your car or getting rid of your household garbage you must keep your mind tuned up and well kept. If you are to truly to be free you must maintain the health of your mind, otherwise it will run amuck and you will be held captive no matter what you have in the material world.

Be the captain of your ship. The mind is a tool, learn how best to use it. Freedom is not outside you, its inside you.

Your Soul to Soul Communication– writing under the influence of god light.
Much love, Faith 

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