Run With Joy!

If you were to engage like a child at play, your endeavors would become a thing of joy. In joy comes your creativity and imagination that is sourced by the divine brilliance that shines through you. When you were a child your bumps and bruises were marked with a badge of courage, kissed with a bandage and forgotten with loving embrace. We do not see our failures and mistakes as such , instead, we scold ourselves into shame and regret. 

Like the guardian that loved your pain away, can you not love yourself when things go wrong?

When you stumble and fall it means that you are reaching beyond what you have known or have ever done before. Simply, you have just missed the mark. In all new things that you do there lives a grace that catches and carries you through, but only you can get back up and try again. 

You must be like a child, curious, daring and forgetful. Live in your courage and your let fierce determination pick you back up. Let your imagination breath you in and breathe you out, as you run with joy! 

Your soul-to-soul communication, writing under the influence of god light.

Much love, Faith


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