Well Balanced
You spend most of your life working within your strengths. If your right hand dominate you will default to doing things with that hand because it makes you feel more capable and confident. If you’re paying attention notice how you favor chewing your food on one particular side of your mouth. Now this is all fine from a physical perspective, but only up to a point. Until you’re willing to be seen as inadequate, ineffective, or slow you will always stay working within your strengths. But if you’re looking at the end game of your ultimate potential, celebrate your strengths and lean into your weaknesses and soon you will harness a power unmatched by your dominant side.
BTW- writing by my left hand, 🫲 to prove that I can still maintain the thought flow of divine intelligence, waiting patiently deliver the words no matter how long it takes. And with practice my speed and proficiency increases. Your soul-to-soul communication, writing under the influence of god light. Much love, Faith