You must not forget why you’re here, but often you do. Sit and rest with us. Yes, you heard me correctly, rest. Not the kind of rest when you close your eyes and fall asleep, although that rest is needed too. The rest we speak of is surrendering the mind. This is hard to do when things in your life feel unsettled or uncertain. Your mind wants to go round and round trying to find a solution or take action as to sooth the worry or fear that has caught you in an endless loop of thought. The ego does not like not knowing what lies ahead- it sometimes fears the worst and begins fill you with overwhelming dread. What you need to know dear one is that your soul knows you, knows what you want, knows that your deserve to live fully realized in your dreams. Your soul wants to give you complete joy and fulfillment, but you must trust the process. When you come upon muddy waters you either step around it or stomp and splash right through it with glee, either way it’s perfectly fine, but if you stand and stare at the muddy water and say, woe is me, this muddy water should not be. Now you’ve stopped dead in your tracks. You begin to blame some outside source for putting obstacles in your way, you begin to blame yourself, you blame your history, the world, your source and on and on. But truth be told, these muddy waters give you strength, resilience and clarity. If you see your challenges as opportunities for personal growth the pathway of your desires will in time unfold, but if you let it stop you, you will be stuck right where you are.
Always ask for what you want and know that you will receive it. Trust the process and enjoy the ride. How boring life would be if it was just all a two lane freeway, forever straight, with no pit stops, exits, or side streets. How mundane would the days become if you knew exactly how they were to be done. Isn’t it joy and peace that you want? You can have that now, just keep trudging, splashing and sloshing through those murky waters knowing that what you want is just on the other side. And just maybe those obstacles along your way give just you what you need to fulfill your dreams.
From my Soul to your Soul.
Much love, Faith