Think of yourself and your human life as a garden. Think of your thoughts as seeds. What seeds of thought have you planted? Are you growing a garden full of weeds or are you planting a bountiful harvest that supports and nurtures your dreams? Is your plant life diverse, rich, packed with potential and possibility or is it stark, lifeless and bare?
We think we don’t have control of our thoughts and at times it feels like there is no thought, just a feeling. This is true because now the thought is living you, and no longer are you able to distinguish between you and your thoughts. You have now become one with your thoughts. Today pay close attention to how you feel because your emotions are arising out of your seeds of thought. What you are living is what you have been thinking. Don’t let your thoughts think you. Learn to choose the thoughts you want nurture. If you want something different you need to recognize the thoughts that have created your garden of life.
Take a moment and think about how you would like your day to be and choose the thoughts that will support you. You are creating your life moment by moment, day by day. In every moment you have the ability pause, pivot and choose what seeds of thought you want to plant and that determines the garden of your life.
Your Soul To My Soul
Blessings, Faith Williams